With a new year often comes new goals and a renewed sense of excitement; 2024 is no different! As always, Gibson Insurance Group is looking for ways to better serve your needs and help improve your operations. In 2024 you will see a few new faces around our office and the ability to offer you more services.
Brooklynn Gibson is the first new face greeting you at the door. Brooklynn is a lifelong resident of Moniteau County and is no stranger to the farm. She married my son, Seth, a couple years ago and has decided to enter the family business. Like most of you, it has been my dream to have the opportunity to not only work with friends, but family as well. Brooklynn is fully licensed and has started working on the crop insurance side of the business. I am so excited to see where she can take us in 2024.
Since 2020 the insurance market has changed. Several small mutual insurance companies have gone out of business due to high losses and freak storms. Currently, we are seeing companies pulling out of these insurance markets just to lower their risk exposure. As a farmer, I have found myself shopping for liability insurance, semi-truck coverage, and property coverage all in different places. This can start to be a headache and cause confusion just to make sure you are getting the best deal. To help combat these issues, Gibson Insurance has joined in a partnership with Acrisure. Acrisure is the 4th largest brokerage in the world and can offer all the products that a farmer or other businessperson might need to operate their business. With the size and scope of Acrisure’s offerings (property & casualty, commercial, employee benefits, and financial services) they can be a one stop shop for all your other risk management needs while still ensuring you are getting a good deal. These newly offered services are an exciting start for 2024.
Chad Kerr will also be spending some time in our office. His main office is in Jefferson City at Wallstreet Group, another agency partner of Acrisure. Chad’s specialty is not in crop insurance, but rather property & casualty and commercial business. Poultry growers and other commercial animal feeding operations will be some of the first businesses Chad will become acquainted with. Previously, poultry buildings have been difficult to find coverage for. However, with the vast array of offerings Acrisure has, this should no longer be the case. Agribusinesses, fertilizer plants, ag chemical business, construction, and trucking are some, but not all, of the industries we are able to serve.
Our office will continue to specialize in your crop insurance needs with Chris, Brian, Maria, and Carol doing business as usual while Brooklynn will be able to service both crop and various other insurance questions. As the need arises, we will pass information to Chad who will be able to provide the products needed in the other areas of your risk management program. The addition of Chad and Brooklynn makes our team even more dynamic, being able to service any of your risk management needs in today’s business environment.
I’m really proud of this team. I encourage you to stop by and say hello to the new additions to our staff. I also invite you to our customer meeting on February 7h at 6pm. This would be a great time to talk with all our staff and enjoy a good meal!