

Cover your acres for when you need rainfall to grow grass.

Customize your PRF policy to fit the needs of your operation.

PRF is a risk management program to protect your operation from lack of rainfall. This program helps bring peace of mind and reassurance when making management decisions during periods of dry weather.

  • Choose your acres to be covered for either haying or grazing
  • Protect yourself against any 2 month period with less than 90%
    of average rainfall
  • All selected 2 month periods are insured separately
  • After each period automatic loss payments are paid with no paperwork,
    adjusters or production history needed
  • Cost effectively protect your acres for only pennies a day with
    no up front cost
  • Premiums are subsidized up to 51%

Sign up deadline for 2024 coverage is December 1, 2023.

At Gibson Insurance Group we have led the way in promoting PRF as a risk management tool since it first became available in Missouri in 2008. We pride ourselves in helping operations effectively utilize this product to protect their operations investment. Call us today to find the best plan to fit your needs.


Thank you for your interest in US

Please contact us by completing the Contact Us form below or by calling: 800-411-3972 (Toll Free) or 660-433-6300.

Office Hours: Open 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday.